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Ashfield Early Learning Centre | 全日托儿中心 | 早教中心



Hunter AU - 悉尼猎人地板



  • Ashfield Early Learning Centre | 全日托儿中心 | 早教中心
  • 地区: 内西区(Marrickville, Burwood, Ashfield)
  • 网页: http://www.ashfieldelc.com.au/
  • 联系电话: (02) 9799 6226
  • 生意简介: 托儿服务. 启蒙托儿所. 熟练持证幼儿教师. 舒适家庭环境. 学习与发展教材. 提供餐食.
  • 街道地址: 10 Norton Street, 2131 ASHFIELD
  • 电邮商家

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托儿服务. 启蒙托儿所. 熟练持证幼儿教师. 舒适家庭环境. 学习与发展教材. 提供餐食.
We are a long day care centre based in the inner west suburb of Ashfield with the aim to provide the best start for your child’s Early Childhood Education and Care in a warm, nurturing and safe environment.
We believe that having a clear vision and a team of passionate educators with 20 years of combined experience is vital in providing high-quality Early Childhood Education and care.
Our philosophy is to create a feeling of acceptance and sense of belonging by providing an environment where children feel safe and secure much like home so you may have peace of mind while you work. We also recognises that each child has unique interest, skills and knowledge. We will use this knowledge to build your child’s individual program to develop each child’s individual personality, resilience and love of learning. The children will also be exposed to arts and crafts, music and movement as well as quiet and focused activities including literacy and numeracy.

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