Y.M.J Education 为您的孩子提供最专业的课业辅导与教学,让他们学习不孤单,读书不犯难!
我们的目标是帮助每一个需要我们的澳洲家庭,通过适当的课后辅导,让孩子们可以巩固课堂知识 提升学习成绩,并激发他们的无尽潜力,使他们的在校生活得更轻松,更自信。
地址:23/12 Railway parade Burwood 2134 NSW。离火车站3分钟的步行距离。
电话:0297443904 0424828911 0424095116
Y.M.J Education provides the most professional and efficient studying methods for your children to overcome all the challenges along the learning journey!
A quiet and comfortable environment is guaranteed! Our experienced teachers and friendly faculties are all out there to help with commitments and dedications! Our courses are carefully designed to allocate students according to their ages, abilities, and previous learning!
Our courses cover Maths, English, Opportunity Class Test, Chinese, and Art for primary and secondary school students in Australia.
We aim to help families in Australia. With our assistance, children can get higher scores, improve their school performances, further develop their potential, and have a more relaxing and easier school life!
YMJ Education welcomes students of all levels throughout the year! So pop in and we’ll never let you down!
C’mon! Join Us! Let’s enjoy a better way of learning and growth!
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