Acupuncture (Disposable Needles) 針灸治療(一次性針灸針)
Herbal Products for Postpartum Heh 產婦月子養生調理藥膳
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture 中醫微針灸美顏(臉部拉提,除細紋,抗老化)
Hypnotherapy 催眠治療
Vacuum Cupping Therapy火罐治療
Chinese Herbal Medicine Retail中草藥零售
Remedial Massage Therapy西式治療性按摩
Chinese Herbal Medicine Consultation 中醫藥諮詢
Far-Infrared Scrapping Therapy遠紅外線陶瓷溫灸療法
The Four Stages
One Month Confinement
Stage 1 (First Week) 產後第一週: 排毒淨化
Eliminate toxin and discharge of lochia 排淨惡露
Tonify Qi (energy) and nourish blood 補氣養血
Need to take traditional postpartum drink 5-7 packs 產婦生化湯
Stage 2 (Second Week) 產後第二週: 調整恢復
Strengthen and recover energy 精力恢復
Promote lactation 增強乳汁分泌
Stage 3 (Third Week) 產後第三週: 氣血雙補
Nourish the human body and energy 體力調養
Tonify Qi (energy) and nourish blood 補氣補血
Stage 4 (Fourth Week) 產後第四週: 預防老化
Prevent aging and anti-aging 對抗老化
benefit Qi and nourish blood 益氣養血
Promote Lactation 產婦增乳湯帖(參考食譜)
新鮮魚湯/ 新鮮蚵湯
花生香菇燉豬腳湯/ 青木瓜燉豬腳湯/ 青木瓜+ 花生燉豬腳湯
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